A Life For Rent - Dealing with Suicide

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Written by Joseph Addo

The Crossroads

I always say that the toughest battle anyone could be involved in is the battle in the mind. It might seem funny but to decide between ‘yes and no’, ‘true and false’, ‘to do and not to do’ is the toughest battle you face. In a typical school exam, your biggest problem isn’t the answer you write down, the problem is if the answer you wrote is true or false, correct or wrong. We all come to a crossroad at every point in life and this is what puts suicide in the mental health category.

suicide prevention

The Sad Truth…

Suicide ranks as the 23rd cause of death in Ghana and as of 2020, ranks Ghana 64th on the world suicide deaths rating and in fact, many African countries lead the chart. According to WHO, about 703,000 people commit suicide in a year and for each of those people, there were about 20 other people who attempted to commit suicide (do the math, 20 x 703,000 and that makes 14,060,000) and there are many more people who have serious thoughts of suicide. The 10th of September every year is marked World Suicide Prevention Day to help reduce or stop this unfortunate statistics.


It's really sad if a loved one tends to attempt suicide or even worse, commit it and that is why we should always be on the lookout for trigger signs in those around us and even within us.


Why would anyone choose Suicide?

Imagine being in a very dark room unable to locate a door and yet every turn finds you a wall, you desperately need an escape route. Unfortunately, people who attempt suicide are usually just like that, the only way out they can think of out of life’s troubles, is when life ends.

Some of the factors are born from;

  1. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  2. The pressure from school to be above average.
  3. The pressure from home to give off your best and become successful.
  4. The pressure from society to not be different.
  5. The pressure from work to increase productivity and profits.

Aside the external factors, individuals with lower Emotional Intelligence Quotient (E.I.Q) are also believed to have low protection against suicidal thoughts (backed by research). Hence such individuals attempt suicide due to reasons such as;

  1. Heart breaks or failed relationships.
  2. Fear of failure or losses.
  3. Unplanned responsibilities.
  4. Loneliness
  5. Getting fed up with life's hardship, etc.


Can’t handle the thoughts?

Suicidal thoughts can occur to anyone, it just depends on how they are handled. Here are some tips on how to deal with suicidal thoughts;

  1. Seek help – You could always get a therapist, or even more convenient and economic, get a free consultation on Pharst Care. You should understand that it's ok not to be ok.
  2. Join a mental health community – Little groups made up of people who share their similar experiences, led by a counsellor and a place to receive encouragement and to vent.
    peer counselling
  3. Engage in hobbies – Doing other activities that keep you busy helps to occupy the mind and reduces the focus on suicidal thoughts.
  4. Get social – Surround yourself with people most times and avoid being alone often.
  5. Crisis plans – Draw out a plan on what to do when you have these thoughts and be sure to follow the plan when the time comes. Do this with the help of a therapist.
  6. Avoid drugs and alcoholism – These substances have the potential to weaken the nervous system and the brain, hence the ability to shield from suicidal thoughts are inhibited. You’re more likely to follow your instincts without thinking it through and addiction to these substances even makes it worse.
  7. Postpone it – It might seem funny but just throw the thought to another date. More like trying to postpone your funeral in order to inform more people of what you intend to do.
  8. Finally… Relax – Just take your time, we’ll die in this finite life anyway, no need to rush it. Just make sure you do a lot with the little time you have, so you can be remembered for it. Take a deep breath and live life.


Save a Life

It could be you, me or anyone close … Let’s keep an eye out for each other, let’s care for those who always look withdrawn, let’s care for those who begin to act strangely from their usual behaviour and let’s encourage them to live the life ahead. We live on a rented life, we can't afford to waste it when time isn't due. Remember it's ok not to be ok.

save a life


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